Thursday, November 09, 2006

Writing "Pivotal instant"

This piece, "Pivotal instant" was inspired by a scene in Sin City. In the scene, Bruce Willis' character, Hartigan, is sitting on the couch with Nancy (Jessica Alba), alone in their motel room, having a long-awaited reunion. She wants to kiss him, but he — the noble ex-copper, who rescued her when she was seven years old, and went through hell to protect her — says "No". Then there is a hesitation all reticence fades, and they kiss. The poem is that moment between the "No" and the "Yes".

I have often considered that instant between reluctance and agreement, between neutrality and partisanship, between indifference and conviction, between separation and union. I am also interested in the dithering that happens before one of a pair makes a commitment to reveal a secret, a passion, a secret desire. There is that moment of fear when you are afraid you will ruin all possibility of getting closer to the person, but you take the leap anyway. Sometimes it fails, often it succeeds.

I find that intriguing. I am sure it will be a theme in my writing, as it has already been.

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