Friday, June 15, 2007

rethinking wordcurrents

When I started wordcurrents, my main motives were two: to get my work out to readers and to motivate myself to write every day. I certainly have become a daily writer, and I do have readers that I never had before. My craft has improved in that I can achieve a result more consistently and more quickly than I could previously (witness "in perpetual schottische"*, which I wrote in about an hour and change for a competition, whereupon it won the competition of the week in WILD Poetry Forum, and later was named competitive poem of the month of May in that forum). These are all good reasons to continue the status quo.

What has happened that is not quite so good is that my long-term writing projects have suffered. This suggests to me that in order to focus my creative juice on the novel and the play and the denser poetry, I should discontinue posting a new poem every day on wordcurrents; however, I find the experience of daily composition to deadline (midnight) and posting rather invigorating. This leaves me with the quandry that I mention in Facebook, when I say I am "rethinking my blog". For various reasons, I really have to decide soon.

* For an MP3 of my reading of this poem, click "in perpetual schottische"

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