Sunday, June 17, 2007

About "Katisha of Abyssinia"

I wrote the poem, "Katisha of Abyssinia" based on this situation.

This is Katisha, our new Abby, lying in state on two seat cushions piled atop a wicker table. From time to time, Circe, our elderly hybrid shows up to hiss at her, and establish the order of precedence. Generally, Katisha does not look as startled as this. She is our first cat to lie elbows out like that. Look at those eyes!

Katisha is a birthday present to me (I recently became quite alarmingly milestone-old), from Frances, my dear sister in law, who is a renowned breeder of Abyssinians in Montreal. Fran's site is Etochat. She and her partner, Nicole, have bred Grand Champion Abyssinians with the patient backing of Fran's husband, Richard.

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